This is NOT about the baby’s gender identity as of that lifestage (a baby can’t even recognize its own reflection, after all), it’s about what a parent thinks a child will be like in the future, based on what the parent assumes from the link they might make, warranted or not, between bio sex and stereotypical personality associated with gender. It is always at least a bit misguided to try to deduce a future personality from a biological sex (not all girls are going to be sweet and like barbies even if they’re cisgender), BUT it’s a thing people do regardless. A parent doesn’t care about what genitals a baby has, they care about what they assume about the child based on their biological sex – ie, they care about personality.
This model incorporates an idea of personality and an idea of gender, by being formulated around expression (what the child might be like gender-wise and what that could mean for their personality).Ī baby is a baby. So, we end up with a attempt here to create a bridge. So I preferred to think about what those preferences even mean and are about, and make something from there. classic sex preferences are a historically charged topic that has caused oppression of women and b, to so e co unities it can be offensive. I didn’t want to do it the classic way because a. So, let’s talk about a feature which has been requested again and again and again.